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Please click on a service below for more information and pricing.

If you are looking to combine some of the services, please contact me for more detail on multi-service discounts. 


Monthly payment plans are available on all services.

Birth Doula Calgary

Labour & Birth Support



As your birth doula I work with you before the birth to build a relationship and get to know more about your fears/worries, culture and how to be the best possible support for you and your partner. Included in the Labour & Birth Support Package is: 


  • 2 Prenatal Meetings

  • On call from week 38th until the birth of your baby

  • Continuous labour and birth support

  • Partner support during labour and birth

  • Back-up doula support

  • 2-3 hours of postpartum/breastfeeding support immediately after the birth

  • Assist with photography during and after labour & birth

  • Phone/text/email support until two weeks after the birth

  • 1 postpartum visit in your home


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Scheduled Caesarean Birth Support



We sometimes underestimate the emotional and physical challenges of a caesarean birth. As your Birth Doula for a scheduled caesarean birth I provide you with the following:

  • 1-2 Prenatal Meetings

  • On call from two weeks prior your scheduled caesarean birth until the birth of your baby

  • Continuous labour support if you go into spontaneous labour

  • Emotional support before entering the Operating Room

  • Emotional support in the Operating Room (only 1 support person is allowed in the OR and recovery room) 

  • 2-3 hours of postpartum/breastfeeding support after being admitted to the Postpartum Unit

  • Back-up Doula Support

  • Phone/text/email support until two weeks after the birth

  • 1 postpartum visit in your home

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Postpartum Support



As your Postpartum Doula I will provide you with the following support in the hospital or your home during the weeks following the birth:


  • Facilitate breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding

  • Facilitate parent-infant bonding

  • Provide Emotional Support to parents in the postpartum period

  • Encourage appropriate well-baby and mother care

  • Assist in supporting siblings to have a positive experience with the baby's arrival

  • Assist with light household chores such as baby laundry, meal preparation, running errands and assisting with other siblings


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Postpartum Definition


The word postpartum is often improperly used to describe medical conditions such as Postpartum Depression or Postpartum Mood Disorders. 


The word postpartum does in fact refer to the first 6 weeks after the birth, also known as the Fourth Trimester.

Baby Doula
Labour & Birth Support
Schedules Caesarean Birth
Postpartum Support

Overnight Postpartum Support

$40/hour** - with a minimum of 8 hours per shift


Overnight support looks a little different than day time support as a calm and quiet environment is the goal for both parents and babies. If you are breastfeeding, I will bring the baby to you when baby is ready to feed. If baby is bottle fed, then I will take care of all feedings, so you can have a night of uninterrupted sleep. 


  • Provide emotional support to parents in the postpartum period. 

  • Facilitate breastfeeding if needed.

  • Provide all baby care during night shifts so you can rest, 

  • Cleaning of baby bottles, preparation of formula if necessary.


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"Natasja helped us prepare for the big day and she contributed so much to our son's birth. Working with us, the nurses, and the doctors she brought advocacy and familiarity to an otherwise stressful experience."


                  Anya, Xavier & baby Fletcher

                  October 2016   

Overnight Support

Birth + Postpartum Support Package



This package includes Labour & Birth Support + 12 hours of Postpartum Support. 


By bundling you save $280.00.


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Birth + Postpartum

*     A $300.00 surcharge is applied to birth services that are +50km outside of Calgary city limits.

**   A $5.00 surcharge per hour is applied to postpartum services that are +50km outside of Calgary city limits with a 

       minimum of 4 hours per shift.

*** A $50.00 surcharge is applied to postpartum overnight rates for services that are +50km outside of Calgary city limits.

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